4 months ago
Scott M. StolzScott M. Stolz wrote the following post 4 months ago

Refactoring Hubzilla and Third Party Addons & Themes

I know you are working on refactoring Hubzilla, and that is great, but please do not remove features just because Redbasic or core addons do not use it.

For example, pagination may not be needed for Redbasic, but I need it. That "unused" code in Hubzilla is very useful to me for the themes I am developing.

So, before you delete stuff you think is unused, it might not actually be unused.
4 months ago
@Harald Eilertsen I'm working on making my custom project management system work with Hubzilla, which would make it fediverse-enabled.

Once it is done, I am hoping to get the whole Hubzilla design team to use it, but even if they don't, I would still be able to track things I am involved with, and other developers would be able to see what I am working on.

When I release the beta, I would like you to have a look at it.
4 months ago
@Scott M. Stolz I'd definitely be interested in that.
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